Dentist Edmonton

What is considered a dental emergency?

Emergency Dentist Edmonton

Emergency dental services are often a temporary solution when patients are not able to get permanent dental care. These services can be a great help for individuals in need of immediate care.

Most cases requiring these types of service are considered emergent or emergencies where the patient is in danger or discomfort with their mouth. When people need emergency dental care, they may call their Dentist or search for dentists.

There is also a 24-hour Emergency dentist Edmonton available to help them with their needs no matter the time of day. If you need an immediate solution to your condition, contact us. Our Dentist Edmonton will help you to get rid of your dental problem.

  1. What is considered a dental emergency?

Depending on the situation, many dental injuries are dental emergencies. The most common emergencies are those that involve pain or bleeding gums.

It is one of the few instances people will consider going to the Dentist as an "emergency," especially if they have some infection. There can also be a few situations where a person may even consider going to the hospital instead of the Dentist's office.

They may initially go to the Dentist's to be correctly diagnosed and given a steroid shot to help reduce the swelling in the gums. Still, if it does not get better after a certain amount of time, they may then head to the hospital for possible surgery.

  1. What are common dental emergencies?

Some common dental emergencies are:

  1. Toothache - toothache is a throbbing pain that an infection or injury may cause to the Tooth.
  2. Chipped or Broken Tooth - this typically happens when eating hard foods such as nuts, ice, or candy.
  3. Dental abscess is a collection of pus from bacteria entering the gum tissue through a crack in the teeth enamel.
  4. Swollen Gums (gingivitis) - swollen gums are usually caused by plaque buildup on your teeth, leading to inflammation and swelling of your gums.
  5. Loose Teeth (tooth displacement) - loose teeth happen when there is not enough bone support, leading to decay and loss of attachment.
  6. Tooth Loss (extraction) - if you have lost one or more teeth due to trauma, infection, decay, etc., it will need to be extracted not to cause further damage.

Why would I need an emergency dentist appointment?

There are many reasons why individuals may require the services of a dentist. It could be that they have developed an abscess in their mouth or too much pain to ignore.

In an emergency, a dentist appointment can provide relief to an individual experiencing difficulty within their mouth.

Our emergency Dentists Edmonton south will discover what treatment you need for your dental problem, whether pain or infection. It may even solve the problem right away before it worsens.

If you have an emergency and need to see the dentist as soon as possible, call our office for 24-hour appointments. We will do whatever we can to get you in right away to relieve your pain quickly. Call us today if you're dealing with any of these symptoms.

Visit to the Website for getting more information related to Emergency Dentist Edmonton.


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